A: Hi! *_* My name is Ami-chan ^^
You're a great artist, you know? %) But how you have learned to draw is the like/same style as Takei? %)))
Н.И.: mmmh.... well.... I'm a self-taught... ^^ I learn watching the original manga.... Loooong time ago, I used to trace Yoh & Hao a lot of times..... And then I began to draw them with.... my fantasy.... ^^ Now, my traced drawings are..... UGLY!!! And not traced drawings... welll... you can see them on my page... XD Thanks 4 the compliments!!! (...... hope my english is not too ugly... :P)
А: Cool ^^ %) I'm too lazy and buzy do such things +) but in future I will go forward in drawing ^_^
My English not brilliant too %)))
Eeeh .. Yohao(can I call you Yohao? ^^), you're not very busy now? Can you draw a pic for my friend Mushra, who's a big Russian Hao-fan? =) I can tell you about her appearance %) 'cause she loves your art(of course, so handsome Hao! ^^)) and draws not very well =)
я какое-то реальное зло %))))) с чего это Нашей Итальяончке разговаривать с каким-то незнакомым Аминяком? Вот людская логика %))))))
А Онидзука-физик - бака Ж)))))) я на него чуть не обиделась, что он не повосхищался моим возвращением. Но хвала Трифлауэр, у меня есть Калькулятор! *__*